
Abandon Checkout Tackling the problem

Abandon Checkout Tackling the problem
  1. What does abandoned checkout mean?
  2. Why do people abandon checkout?
  3. Why is shopping cart abandonment a problem?

What does abandoned checkout mean?

Shopping cart abandonment is when a potential customer starts a check out process for an online order but drops out of the process before completing the purchase. Any item that enters the shopping cart but never makes it through the transaction is considered to be “abandoned” by the shopper.

Why do people abandon checkout?

80.68% of retail shoppers abandon purchases after adding items to their cart. 34% of shoppers abandon checkout because they are forced to create an account. 23% of shoppers abandoned carts due to issues with shipping. 18% of shoppers abandon carts because they wanted to compare prices.

Why is shopping cart abandonment a problem?

Loss of customers and sales

One of the most important reasons why shopping cart abandonment is a problem for retailers is because when customers don't check out, it means that they miss out on a sale. It does not matter whether the order was large or small.

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