
Apple Pay suppression message scares our users

Apple Pay suppression message scares our users
  1. How do I turn off Apple Pay restrictions?
  2. How do I get rid of Apple Pay message setup?
  3. How do I get rid of Apple Pay popups?

How do I turn off Apple Pay restrictions?

How can I unrestrict my Apple Cash? iPhone: Open the Wallet app, then tap your Apple Cash card. iPad: Open the Settings app, tap Wallet & Apple Pay, then tap your Apple Cash card. Apple Watch: Open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone, tap Wallet & Apple Pay, then tap your Apple Cash card.

How do I get rid of Apple Pay message setup?

How do I turn off the notification to set-up Apple Pay? you just need to hit continue to set it up then you should be select cancel. you just need to hit continue to set it up then you should be select cancel.

How do I get rid of Apple Pay popups?

If you're seeing notifications about needing to complete the Apple Pay setup process, you do so in your regular Settings app. If you've already set up Apple Pay but don't want it to send you any notifications, you can disable notifications in the Wallet section of the Settings app.

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