
Avoid redundancy examples

Avoid redundancy examples
  1. What are examples of redundancy?
  2. How can you avoid redundancy?
  3. What does it mean to avoid redundancy?
  4. Why should we avoid redundancy?

What are examples of redundancy?

Redundancy is when we use two or more words together that mean the same thing, for example, 'adequate enough'. We also say something is redundant when a modifier's meaning is contained in the word it modifies, for example, 'merge together'.

How can you avoid redundancy?

Freezing recruitment, stopping voluntary overtime, offering a voluntary redundancy package, secondments, and career breaks, reviewing employee benefits, laying off staff, and short time working are all ways to avoid redundancies.

What does it mean to avoid redundancy?

Avoiding Redundancy. Redundancy occurs when a writer unnecessarily repeats something. Writers should avoid. redundancy not only because it distracts and annoys readers but also because it adds unnecessary. length to one's writing.

Why should we avoid redundancy?

The use of redundant words or phrases in a sentence may harm the beauty of the structure of the sentence. Besides, redundant words or phrases do not contribute to the meaning rather removing them improves readability. So it should be avoided during structuring a sentence.

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