
How to deal with modals and scrollbars

How to deal with modals and scrollbars
  1. How do I get rid of modal scrollbar?
  2. Should modals be scrollable?
  3. How do I make my modal body scrollable?
  4. How do I get a scroll bar in modal?

How do I get rid of modal scrollbar?

Approach: A simple solution to this problem is to set the value of the “overflow” property of the body element to “hidden” whenever the modal is opened, which disables the scroll on the selected element.

Should modals be scrollable?

The goal is to keep context, therefore a modal should not take up the whole screen view. Content should fit the modal. If a scrollbar is needed, you may consider creating a new page instead.

How do I make my modal body scrollable?

Bootstrap 4.3 added new built-in scroll feature to modals. This makes only the modal-body content scroll if the size of the content would otherwise make the page scroll. To use it, just add the class modal-dialog-scrollable to the same div that has the modal-dialog class.

How do I get a scroll bar in modal?

Use the . modal-dialog-scrollable class to enable scrolling inside the modal.

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