
I need help picking a color for colorblind people

I need help picking a color for colorblind people
  1. What is the best color for a colorblind person?
  2. What color is easiest for colorblind people?
  3. Is there an app that helps color blind people?
  4. What Colours can a colorblind person see?

What is the best color for a colorblind person?

Blue (and orange)

Note that the color that looks the most the same for people with normal vision and readers with red-/green-blindness (the most common types of colorblindness) is blue. “Blue is the safest hue.” If you want red- and green-blind readers to perceive color as you do, choose blue.

What color is easiest for colorblind people?

For example, blue/orange is a common colorblind-friendly palette. Blue/red or blue/brown would also work. For the most common conditions of CVD, all of these work well, since blue would generally look blue to someone with CVD.

Is there an app that helps color blind people?

Color Blind Pal for iOS and Android helps people who are color blind see the colors around them. It also lets people with normal vision see what it's like to be color blind. Want to know what color something is? Now you don't need to ask a friend - just open the app to get a descriptive name, like "bold brown".

What Colours can a colorblind person see?

A person with protan type color blindness tends to see greens, yellows, oranges, reds, and browns as being more similar shades of color than normal, especially in low light. A very common problem is that purple colors look more like blue.

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