
Minimal text size in logos

Minimal text size in logos

What is the Minimum Font Size for Printing? The minimum font size for printing is the smallest possible font you can use to fit the imprint area. The average is around 6pt, but it will vary depending on what custom products you're ordering.

  1. What is the minimum text size?
  2. Is 12pt font too small?
  3. What is the minimum readable font size?
  4. Is 10 too small a font size?

What is the minimum text size?

While there is no official minimum font size for the web, it is generally agreed upon that 16px for body text is a good starting point. Of course, some text will be smaller and headings will often times be larger. But, the main body text (like what you're reading right now) should usually be 16px or larger.

Is 12pt font too small?

While a 12pt font size might technically be legible, it's not always considered readable. Legibility means that text can be understood, whereas readability takes factors like emotions and ease of reading into play. These days, the baseline for most fonts is usually around 16–20px.

What is the minimum readable font size?

Choose a font that's at least 16 pixels, or 12 points. If many of your users are older adults, consider using an even larger font size—19 pixels or 14 points. A small font size is more difficult to read, especially for users with limited literacy skills and older adults.

Is 10 too small a font size?

No, 10 pts is not necessarily too small. However, don't go any smaller because it will affect readability. Generally, a good font size for a resume is 10–12 pts. While 10 is on the low side, it's acceptable.

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