
Modal on modal ux

Modal on modal ux
  1. Can you have a modal over a modal?
  2. Why is modal on modal bad?
  3. Are modals good for UX?
  4. What are modals used for UX?
  5. Is it acceptable to open a modal popup on top of another modal popup?

Can you have a modal over a modal?

To open a modal from another modal can be done simply by using the events that Bootstrap provides such as show. bs. modal . You may also want some CSS to handle the backdrop overlays.

Why is modal on modal bad?

They obscure the content beneath. They can't fit a lot of information within them (they shouldn't overflow the size of the viewport) On small screens they are often confused with a new page and the back button breaks (because it's a modal, not a new screen)

Are modals good for UX?

All UX patterns have specialized case uses and functions, and UX modals are no different. In fact, they are the best functioning piece of UX pattern for announcing something important or making sure you have the full attention of a user/website visitor on a browser window.

What are modals used for UX?

In the context of UX design, mental models are what the user believes about how the user experience works. Mental models are constructed in a user's brain and are based on what they know from past interactions with other products, sites, and applications.

Is it acceptable to open a modal popup on top of another modal popup?

Using a modal on top of another modal is a big red flag that something broke down in your workflow. If your workflow requires a second modal, you probably have some bigger issues with complexity within your modal.

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