
Tabbed navigation in search result templates Can users appreciate it?

Tabbed navigation in search result templates Can users appreciate it?
  1. Are tabs suitable for navigating the Web?
  2. When should you use navigation tabs?
  3. What are tabs in user interface?

Are tabs suitable for navigating the Web?

Tabs are a navigation element used in web design that allow users to easily access different areas of a site or different parts of an individual page. They're sort of like tabbed dividers in a filing cabinet – by clicking a tab, users can easily locate a page containing related content.

When should you use navigation tabs?

Use tabs to alternate between views within the same context, not to navigate to different areas. This is the single most important point, because staying in place while alternating views is the reason we have tabs in the first place.

What are tabs in user interface?

In interface design, a tab is a graphical user interface object that allows multiple documents or panels to be contained within a single window, using tabs as a navigational widget for switching between sets of documents.

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