
Tableau change container from vertical to horizontal

Tableau change container from vertical to horizontal
  1. How do I change a vertical container to horizontal in tableau?
  2. How do I format a layout container in tableau?
  3. How do I change the layout of my dashboard in tableau?

How do I change a vertical container to horizontal in tableau?

Under Objects on the Dashboard pane, select Horizontal or Vertical. Drag the container to the dashboard. Add views and objects to the layout container.

How do I format a layout container in tableau?

Drag a horizontal or vertical layout container to the dashboard. Click the drop-down arrow on the blank container and select Format Container. In the Format Container pane, add a border and customize as you see fit, and then close the pane.

How do I change the layout of my dashboard in tableau?

Left side of the dashboard there are two options Dashboard and Layout, if you click on dashboard then under that you will see the Size option. Now if you select Automatic then the size of the dashboard will automatically set as per your screen resolution.

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