
Vertical text accessibility

Vertical text accessibility
  1. Is vertical text accessible?
  2. Should vertical text read up or down?
  3. What is a vertical display of text?

Is vertical text accessible?

Answer 7: Vertical text is not accessible. It does not follow the logical order, which is top to bottom and left to right. It can create numerous problems for AT.

Should vertical text read up or down?

So, a good rule-of-thumb might be to favor the human nature option. That is, if the text is to be read ABOVE eye level, then it should run from bottom to top. If the text is to be read BELOW eye level, it should run from top to bottom.

What is a vertical display of text?

The text-orientation CSS property sets the orientation of the text characters in a line. It only affects text in vertical mode (when writing-mode is not horizontal-tb ). It is useful for controlling the display of languages that use vertical script, and also for making vertical table headers.

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