
What would a solution in surfacing good chat messages from Video Live Chats look like?

What would a solution in surfacing good chat messages from Video Live Chats look like?
  1. How do you send a live chat message?
  2. What is live chat message?
  3. What is an example of chatting?

How do you send a live chat message?

To send a message, just type in your answer and press enter. We give your visitors a heads up that you are typing something so they know they need to wait for your reply. Once you press enter, your message will be sent to the visitor. And you will see it in the chat history.

What is live chat message?

A liveChatMessage resource represents a chat message in a YouTube live chat. The resource can contain details about several types of messages, including a newly posted text message or fan funding event. The live chat feature is enabled by default for live broadcasts and is available while the live event is active.

What is an example of chatting?

Instant Messaging: It is the most common way of chatting. It is text-based communication. It happens between two people or groups of people.

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